Meet Priscilla Esatto

The “Faces of ECI” campaign highlights the incredible talent behind the memorable, magical experiential environments that we produce for our clients.

In this installment, we’re featuring Priscilla Esatto, Designer.

We were able to catch up with Priscilla to learn more about what motivates her professionally and what she enjoys while outside of the walls of ECI.

What year did you start working for ECI?


What role do you play for ECI?

I’m a Designer, mostly of permanent interiors.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration by going to museums, scrolling through Pinterest, and following museum design blogs.

What are your secret (or not-so-secret) talents outside of the office?

I love to bake and garden in my free time.

What are your top three favorite ECI projects?

Three of my favorite projects were the Nacogdoches Train Depot, Nestle NAMA 2019, and the many immersive education projects.

  • The Nacogdoches Train Depot was the first museum project that I worked on from start to finish. I learned so much from that job about how to craft a story that will guide the visitor’s experience and the importance of making sure everything in the space supports those stories.
  • The Nestlé NAMA booth was a 10×20 booth and a great exercise in using a small space efficiently while accommodating all the client’s needs.
  • Our education projects are always such a wonderful experience. The jobs are packed with learning opportunities. I also see a lot of professional growth through our regular client meetings, site visits, and classroom experiences.

Your most proud moment with ECI?

My most proud moment was seeing how people came together after the tornadoes to help affected employees and volunteer in the Dayton community.

What is your absolute dream job?

Landscape designer or gardener!

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

I would rewind time, just by 5 minutes for when I burn food or say something awkward.

What’s your spirit animal and why?

A deer because that’s what the internet quizzes tell me.

What food can you not live without?

Currently, old-fashioned oats. They’re just so versatile!

What is your greatest fear?

Running out of water. I don’t go anywhere without my water bottle!

Most used emoji?

The grimacing face.

What is one WOW moment you’ve experience at ECI that you’ll never forget?

One “WOW moment” was participating in the Oklahoma City Memorial (Half) Marathon in 2019. ECI sponsored a group of us to go, and even though I hadn’t worked on the museum, it was so powerful to be there to experience the museum and the race and I am proud of the part ECI has played in it.


Exploration ZonesTM by Exhibit Concepts is the leading provider of turnkey solutions for experiential, interactive & fully immersive education solutions. Since 2003, Exhibit Concepts has transformed traditional educational institutions, for early learners and beyond, into museum-quality, interactive learning experiences.