Case Study

Bluffton-Harrison MSD PCC
Career-Focused Experiential Learning

The Client

Bluffton-Harrison MSD‘s Middle School, deeply rooted in a community where diverse career paths are embraced, embarked on a mission to revolutionize its approach to career readiness for 7th and 8th graders. Acknowledging that not all students follow the traditional path to college, many opting for military service, trade programs, or direct entry into the workforce, the district sought to create a stimulating environment that would inform and inspire young minds about their various options. They envisioned a space that would serve as a bridge between traditional classroom learning and experiential learning, ensuring that students start exploring career possibilities early in their educational journey.

The Need

Bluffton-Harrison MSD recognized that traditional classroom settings often fail to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of career options available to them. The district aimed to address this gap by creating an immersive environment where students could actively engage with various career paths. By offering hands-on experiences in a simulated work setting, Bluffton-Harrison MSD sought to ignite curiosity and passion in its students, setting them on a path of informed decision-making regarding their future educational and career choices.

The Solution

In partnership with Exploration Zones by Exhibit Concepts, Inc., Bluffton-Harrison MSD conceptualized a permanent space within their Middle School, the PCC Classroom, also known as the 3E Exploration Center. This innovative space was designed to house three distinct experiential areas focused on culinary arts, welding, and electrical manufacturing. Each area was carefully crafted to provide students with a realistic glimpse into the day-to-day activities of professionals in these fields. 

The culinary arts section of the PCC Classroom features a kitchen where students can learn basic cooking skills and explore the art of food preparation. The welding area offers students the opportunity to work with welding tools, simulation programs, and equipment, giving them a taste of what a career in welding might entail. Lastly, the electrical manufacturing section allows students to explore the world of electronics, learning about circuits and basic electrical principles through hands-on activities.

The Takeaway

Hands-On Experiences: The PCC Classroom offers students hands-on experiences, allowing them to engage with real-world tools and materials. This approach aligns with research that shows students remember concepts better through hands-on learning nearly 75% of all our knowledge stems from experiences. By actively participating in activities related to various career paths, students gain a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge required in these fields. 

Career Exposure: The PCC Classroom exposes students to various career clusters early on, helping them make more informed decisions about their future pathways. This early exposure can lead to increased motivation and engagement in their studies, as students begin to see the relevance of their education to their future aspirations. 

Personalized Learning: The design of the PCC Classroom allows for current and future personalized learning experiences, catering to students’ individual interests and learning styles. This customization fosters a more meaningful and impactful learning environment, as students are able to explore areas of interest in greater depth. 

Educator Support: Bluffton-Harrison MSD educators have been instrumental in the success of the PCC Classroom. They have embraced the experiential learning approach and are committed to helping students explore and discover their passions earlier in their learning journey. The dedication and enthusiasm of these educators have contributed to the positive impact of the PCC Classroom on student learning and engagement.


Exploration ZonesTM by Exhibit Concepts is the leading provider of turnkey solutions for experiential, interactive & fully immersive education solutions. Since 2003, Exhibit Concepts has transformed traditional educational institutions, for early learners and beyond, into museum-quality, interactive learning experiences.